Tuesday, May 4, 2010

GOOD MEMORIES by Robert Soto

May 4, 2010

GOOD MEMORIES by Robert Soto

I Thessalonians 3:6 "But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you."

Memories are a gift from God the Creator. They help us reflect on the things that have happened in times past. Memories teach us a lesson and remind us of how God the Creator has blessed us in spite of all that has happened. Memories are like a written record in our hearts and minds that God the Creator is still alive and working in our lives. Sometimes memories might be sad because they remind us of a time when we hurt; other times they might make us smile because they remind us of happy times. But regardless of the good times and regardless of the bad times, if we stop and reflect carefully on them we will always see God the Creator at work in our lives.

Paul was given some good memories of a people who stayed true to the instructions of God the Creator. He wrote, "...Timothy...has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you." So while Paul could not go to them, his heart brought good memories of times past when he spent some time with them. But in return they received the good memories that were given to them by Paul's life as he affected their lives. Memories, whether good or bad, will always bring the knowledge that God is working in your life and in the lives of others. I think I will stop now and reflect on some good memories. You never know, I might write about them tomorrow.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church


May 3, 2010


Deuteronomy 3:22 "Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you."

How many times have you felt in your life that God was far away from you; or if He was anywhere close to you, He did not really care or desire to help? I'm sure this has been the feeling of many in this present age that presents the image of a God that is obsolete or uncaring. The funny thing is that this is when we need God the most. This is the time we need to draw near to God and not slide away from Him. These are the times that we should be going before His presence and seeking His guidance. But we allow our humanity to get in the way of our faith. Our humanity demands that we see physical proof of the presence of God. Our faith though, tells us to keep on going and keep on taking that step of faith even though we know not where it will take us.

I remember one day in my life, I had to make a choice. The choice was to trust the promises of man and keep going, or stop and see God work in a way I could not see. I looked at both and I weighed the cost for both but in the end I chose the path of faith, not knowing where the path would take me but knowing who controlled each step of my new journey of life. I was criticized by many for my choice. Many told me I was a fool and was not trusting God for what was best for me. It was a few years later that I discovered the dead-end bridge that lay before the path taken by the one who chose to follow the promises of man rather than God. It is then that faith becomes our path. It is then that our faith comes in to play. We fear not the things we do not see, but we trust in Him who we do not see, God. Moses wrote, "Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you." He is willing and waiting to do it for you if you only will trust Him.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church


May 2, 2010


Genesis 45:13 "Tell my father about all the honor accorded me in Egypt and about everything you have seen. And bring my father down here quickly."

Many years ago a warrior was known by his accomplishments. He did not demand respect; he earned the right to be a leader in the community and the tribe. His status as a warrior gave him the right to be who he was and the people recognized who he was as a warrior, who he was as one who had earned the right to be respected. He did not demand respect nor did he ask people to serve him. He understood that his status or rank among the people had come, not by force but by choice. He chose to serve the people. He chose to honor the tribe. He chose to give his life for the rights of all his people; not just for himself or a chosen few. He lived for the people and the people lived for him.

Things have changed today. Today we have people whose desire in life is to demand respect and not wait for it to come through servanthood. They look at our instant world and say, "I want it now." But they fail to realize that leaders are not born overnight. They fail to realize that the warrior status does not come instantly. They fail to realize that respect comes through time and by being a servant to all. Joseph became a mighty warrior among the Egyptians, second in command to Pharaoh. But his warrior spirit did not come by demand; it came by sacrifice and pain. So that at the end of his life he could stand with pride and say, "Tell my father about all the honor accorded me in Egypt and about everything you have seen. And bring my father down here quickly." He paid the price and he earned the right to be a leader, a warrior among his people. Are you willing to pay the price? Are you willing to be a servant? Are you willing to do whatever it takes to be great among those you live with each day of your life?

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church


May 1, 2010


Deuteronomy 11:14-15 "...then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied."

For most people in the United States, cutting grass at this time of the year is just beginning. But for us from the land of Eternal Summer, we have been cutting the grass all year long. Winter means nothing more than just a little less warmer weather down here. But as I arrived home the other day after being gone for almost two weeks, I noticed that the front yard grass had grown a little taller than I wanted it to. So I went and dug out my lawn mower and started to cut the grass. In some places I had to go over the grass twice to get a clean cut. But as I started to cut the taller grass I noticed bugs like grasshoppers and others jumping in and out of the grass. They kept bouncing from one blade of grass to another. Then before I knew it, birds like the grackles and sparrows started to land in my front yard. They were there to eat the bugs that were jumping around. They seemed to be having a good old feast eating the bugs that were coming in and out.

It was at this time that it hit me. The birds were being supplied with supper. The bugs that I was scaring out of the grass were dinner for the birds that lived around my house. So the more I thought the more I realized that God the Creator is our provider and supplier of every good thing. God the Creator knows our needs and He is always with us and finds ways to take care of us. He looks at the everyday affairs of mankind and makes sure the sustenance we need each day of our lives is taken care of and provided for as we walk day by day. As Moses said, "...then I will send rain on your land in its season, both autumn and spring rains, so that you may gather in your grain, new wine and oil. I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied." Just as God the Creator is the provider of the feast for the birds of the air, He will take care of you.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

Friday, April 30, 2010


April 30, 2010


Psalm 73:26 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

I have had a good day relaxing and enjoying life. Two weeks ago I was on the road where I traveled a little over 1,200 miles in one weekend. Then I came home and rested for one full day before we took off again and started the first mile of what would end up being a 4,067 mile trip. So in thirteen days, I managed to put 5,267 miles on my van. I attended two pow wows, one in north Texas and a second one in central Pennsylvania. They were two pow wows put on by two different organizations with the same goal - to reach our Indian people and bring us together as one people, even though tribally speaking, we were as different as night and day. Yet for one brief moment, we came together and we danced and had a good time.

But as I sit here reflecting on the two events, I find four things that were the same. One, we all danced to some good Indian singing around the drum. The second thing was that we all came together as one people, regardless of tribe. The third thing was that we all came together under one God and Creator. But the fourth thing that I noticed was that in both events, there were hurting people. There were people who had lost loved ones, had gotten an incurable disease; there were people who were plagued with things like alcoholism and drugs, and people who had lost a spouse through divorce and I'm sure the list could go on and on. These were people that one day seemed to have it all together and the next their world as they knew it was falling apart. But in both places there were the same answers to their problems. The only answer for each circumstance is God. They could not turn to anyone else but God. David wrote, "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." God will always be with you, through the best times and the worst. Just trust Him and He will see you through.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Real Talk by Adam Edelstein

April 29, 2010

Real Talk by Adam Edelstein

Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask Your forgiveness and to seek Your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, "Woe to those who call evil good", but that is exactly what we have done.

We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We confess that.

We have ridiculed the absolute truth of Your Word and called it Pluralism;

We have worshiped other gods and called it multiculturalism

We have endorsed perversion and called it alternative lifestyle;

We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery;

We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare;

We have killed our unborn and called it choice;

We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable;

We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem;

We have abused power and called it politics;

We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition;

We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression;

We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment.

Search us, Oh, God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and set us free. Guide and bless these men and women who have been sent: to direct us to the center of Your will and to openly ask these things in the name of Your Son, the living Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen."


April 29, 2010


Deuteronomy 8:11-14 "Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied....then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought...you out of the land of slavery."

A few years ago my sister and her family were transplanted to a rural community in the midwest. She used to write, "I'm an Apache being held captive in the middle of a cornfield." I thought she was joking until I came to visit her one spring day. I stopped for a short visit and discovered she was right. It is a little community in the middle of nowhere country. It was like Mayberry USA. Shops were not always open. Matter of fact, I have been wanting to visit this shop since she moved here. She once told me, "He opens when he feels like it and if he does not feel like it he does not have to open." This morning as my brother-in-law left the house I asked him if he wanted me to lock the doors when we left. He said, "No thanks, we don't have keys for the doors anyway." I think the most excitement that ever happened in this place was my sister moving here.

But as I get ready to drive off back to my hometown, I can't help but think of the peace we have lost - the innocence that we have lost as a people and as a nation. There was a time when we did not have to lock our doors. When we could trust our neighbors. When our children could play outdoors and our neighbors kept their eyes on us to make sure we did not get into trouble. Gone is the innocence of that time. Gone is the trust in our neighborhoods. Gone are the days when we helped each other and looked to each other for support. I guess that is what happens when a nation, a city, a community forgets about God the Creator. We become proud and self-centered. We forget who is the one who controls our lives. Moses said, "Be careful that you do not forget the LORD your God, failing to observe his commands, his laws and his decrees that I am giving you this day. Otherwise, when you eat and are satisfied....then your heart will become proud and you will forget the LORD your God, who brought...you out of the land of slavery." As I left this peaceful town, I could not help but be envious of their peace that we all long for.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Your Day by Adam Edelstein

April 25, 2010

Your Day by Adam Edelstein

This is the beginning of a new day. God has given me this day to use as I will.

I can waste it or use it for good. What I do today is important, because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it.

When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something that I have traded for it.

I want it to be gain, not loss; good, not evil; success, not failure; I shall not regret the price I paid for it.

Just the FACTS by Adam Edelstein

April 23, 2010

Just the FACTS by Adam Edelstein


I have been justified - completely forgiven and made righteous (Rom. 5:1).

I died with Christ and died to the power of sin's rule over my life (Rom. 6:1-6).

I am free forever from condemnation (Rom. 8:1).

I have been placed into Christ by God's doing (1 Cor. 1:30).

I have received the Spirit of God into my life that I might know the things freely given to me by God (1 Cor. 2:12).

I have been given the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16).

I have been bought with a price; I am not my own; I belong to God (1 Cor. 6:19,20)

I have been established, anointed and sealed by God in Christ, and I have been given the Holy Spirit as a pledge guaranteeing my inheritance to come (2 Cor. 1:21; Eph. 1:13,14). Since I have died, I no longer live for myself, but for Christ (2 Cor. 5:14,15).

I have been made righteous (2 Cor. 5:21).

I have been crucified with Christ and it is no longer

I who live, but Christ lives in me. The life I am now living is Christ's life (Gal. 2:20).

I have been blessed with every spiritual blessing (Eph.1:3).

I was chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world to be holy and am without blame before Him (Eph. 1:4).

I was predestined - determined by God - to be adopted as God's son (Eph. 1:5).

I have been redeemed and forgiven, and I am a recipient of His lavish grace. I have been made alive together with Christ (Eph 2:5).

I have been raised up and seated with Christ in heaven(Eph. 2:6).

I have direct access to God through the Spirit (Eph.2:18).

I may approach God with boldness, freedom and confidence(Eph. 3:12).

I have been rescued from the domain of satan's rule and transferred to the kingdom of Christ (Col. 1:13).

I have been redeemed and forgiven of all my sins. The debt against me has been canceled (Col. 1:14). Christ Himself is in me (Col. 1:27).

I am firmly rooted in Christ and am being built in Him (Col. 2:7).

I have been spiritually circumcised. My old regenerate nature has been removed (Col. 2:11).

I have been made complete in Christ (Col. 2:10).

I have been buried, raised and made alive with Christ (Col. 2:12,13).

I died with Christ and I have been raised up with Christ. My life is now hidden with Christ in God. Christ is now my life (Col.3:1-4).

I have been given a spirit of power, love and self discipline(2 Tim. 1:7).

I have been saved and set apart according to God's doing(2 Tim. 1:9; Titus 3:5) Because I am sanctified and am one with the Sanctifier, He is not ashamed to call me brother (Heb. 2:11).

I have the right to come boldly before the throne of God to find mercy and grace in time of need (Heb. 4:16).

I have been given exceedingly great and precious promises by God by which I am a partaker of God's divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4).

THIS IS THE DAY by Robert Soto

April 28, 2010

THIS IS THE DAY by Robert Soto

Psalm 139:14 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Today is the most special day in my life. Because if it was not for this date in history, I would not be here writing these thoughts to you. This is not the day I got my life back by some miracle, but this is the day my life started on this earth. This the day my God and Creator chose for me to be born in what used to be a little town in South Texas. This was the day God the Creator chose for me to be born into a family of Apaches. This was the day I took my first breath and started my journey of faith, not knowing what tomorrow would bring, or even who held tomorrow. This was the day I started my journey to seek for God and His will for my life. It was day that the whole path of life and its adventures started for me.

Today is my birthday. Today is the day God the Creator chose for me and to start my relationship with Him. Today was not an accident. Today was not my parents' choice for me. Today was the day that He chose for me to come into this world with all its adventure and troubles. The date was God's choice. My ethnic background was God's choice. The place I was to be born was God's choice. My life started, and His plan took over. The next few years of life I have on this earth were now up to me. What was this Apache boy going to do to affect the lives of others? What was this Apache boy going to do to find the Creator who placed him on this earth? What was this Apache boy going to do to impact not just his own personal life, but also the lives of all he would meet? Today was the day I was fearfully and wonderfully made and He reminds me of that every day. Thanks for the day.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church


April 27, 2010


I Corinthians 10:12-13 "So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall! No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

A long time ago our people had the crazy habit of eating cactus. The Unites States Army would report that our Apache people were starving to death and should soon give up because all they were eating was cactus. Well, today dieticians have discovered that the reason our people were so healthy was the foods they were eating, including the crazy habit of eating cactus. It was a good habit that should not have been broken. Today it seems that we have habits that are taking us away from good health and nutrition that costs more than we can afford. They become habits that can be broken, but we choose to do them anyway. They are choices that are not only killing us but depriving us of financial security. For example, today I found out that a box of cigarettes on an average costs about $5.50 a pack. So if you smoke eight cartons a week, you are spending about $44.00 a week and that is about $2,288 a year. In ten years, you will have spent $22,880. I was also told by a friend who drinks about ten beers a week that it costs him about $2.00 a beer. That means in ten years you have spent $10,400. Maybe you do not drink beer or smoke cigarettes, but how about candy or soft drinks? Today I noticed that a soft drink runs about $1.50 each. Drink two a day and that comes out to $10,950 in ten years. So if you have a beer drinker, a smoker and someone who enjoys a couple of soft drinks a day, in ten years you would have spent $44,230. I will not touch habits like the sacred Starbucks.

So where am I going with this? I actually do not know, but as I drove home from the pow wow in Pennsylvania I had plenty of time to think. We have developed habits that have become addictions and that have taken us off the path that God the Creator placed before us. We have developed habits and addictions that not only take us off the path, but that make us develop unhealthy habits that will eventually bring trouble in our lives, health and families. Addictions that we cannot afford and that eventually destroy body, soul and family. Addictions that bring us into financial ruin because we cannot afford them. The sin is not in the beer or the cigarette or the soft drink, but in the abuse that brings destruction. Our people a long time ago had healthy habits, but today we would rather pay off the money to keep us healthy than to use wise choices. But with the bad choices comes a way to make good choices, for God the Creator will always provide the means to make good choices; it is up to us. Paul wrote, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

Monday, April 26, 2010

THE GIFT OF LAND by Robert Soto

April 26, 2010

THE GIFT OF LAND by Robert Soto

Genesis 1:17 "Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you."

Several things came out today that have been on my mind. One of them was the whole issue of reconciliation and forgiveness among Indian people. For some time now, people have accused me of not wanting reconciliation. But I feel to the contrary; I wish there were some way to reconcile our differences and be friends with those who have done nothing but to try to destroy who we are as Indian people. I would love to see recognition among our people and others whose ancestors came to our land and did whatever they wanted to us to get the land they lusted after. What I do not like is the lack of sincerity in the acts of reconciliation. Reconciliation is not a one-time deal as we get together and ask for forgiveness and exchange gifts. It goes beyond one act of kindness where we hug and embrace in the name of peace. I truly feel that reconciliation is a progressive endeavor where one group not only speaks the words that start the process of reconciliation but through the years exhibits the continual desire and ventures out to make things right.

Today I was approached by a young man who feels we have been done wrong. As I heard his words all I could think about was, "How many times have I heard his cry of forgiveness and his desire to make things right?" I guess more times than I can remember. He asked me what I thought was the main obstacle to the whole process of reconciliation. While there are many, I could only speak of one - the land. Our people many years ago felt that no one could own the land. They felt that this land was not given to us to hoard and abuse. We felt that we were given this land as stewards and caretakers so that we could live and survive. The issue of the land would be a good beginning. I know that we would never be able to take back that which was stolen from us, but nevertheless, the land would be a good start. Abraham was given the responsibility to scout out the land. But he saw it as a gift from God the Creator who said, "Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you." When our land was taken, it was not only taken from us, but from God the Creator who was the giver of the gift. It all starts with the land.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

Sunday, April 25, 2010


April 25, 2010


I Chronicles 16:33-34 "Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

One thing that has impressed us all on our trip to the pow wow in Pennsylvania is the forest that lines up the freeway. They cover the hillsides and seem to hug the freeway as we drive these long and winding roads. I guess its splendor just reminds me what life might have been like before this area was settled and carved out into cities and towns. If it is clustered with trees now, I wonder what it looked like when the ancestors of our brothers and sisters of the north made this their home. Back when there were no freeways and roads. It is hard to imagine or even fathom what life was like back then. I know what it was like in South Texas because the desert has not changed much. It looks just as it did when the first whites came and started to fence their little world or kingdom.

Yet as we drive through the forest that outlines the roads I am reminded of the hundreds if not thousands that were slaughtered to possess the land that now makes this country. The thousands if not millions that died and whose blood now lies in the land these trees now make their rest. But one day the very trees will rejoice for the victory and justice that will come to those, both living and dead, for the innocent blood that was spilled on the ground. As the writer of I Chronicles wrote, "Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the LORD, for he comes to judge the earth. Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever."

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church


April 24, 2010


Job 28:23-24 "God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells, for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens."

As we continue our journey to the northeast, I am discovering that the creation totally understands its needs to survive and sustain life. It knows when it is time to bloom and when it is time to flourish. It knows the seasons and when the time is right to come out with all its splendor. Of course in the southwest , like our territory, where it rarely gets cold, the leaves woke up a long time ago and the blossoms bloomed a long time ago. But that is the way God the Creator works in the everyday affairs of the creation which He himself created. He knows and understands the seasons and the times that it all comes together.

But that is the kind of God Creator we have learned to love and adore. He keeps an eye on everything He created; He knows our needs and what both we and the creation need. Solomon said, "God understands the way to it and he alone knows where it dwells, for he views the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens." He knows what we need to survive and when to bring it along. As Solomon said, "He alone knows where it dwells..." He understands our needs and He knows when we need it. So the creation only reminds us that He is in total control of our world around us. Just as the creation patiently waits to wake up to produce, so we should patiently wait for His care for us.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

Friday, April 23, 2010


April 22, 2010


I John 2:15-16 "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

What a waste when a teenager cries and you ask her, "Are you missing your family?" and she answers, "No, I'm missing the clubs I would normally go to tonight." What has our generation of Indians produced when one sees the things that take them away from family, friends and community? A community that is supposed to bring us closer together, yet today there are so many distractions that take us away from the people God has placed us in. What a waste it is when the things around us take us away from the knowledge of God and His power and love. What a waste when all that is pure and honest is destroyed by the things that are placed before us - not for mere entertainment but to take us away from the happiness that God the Creator intended for us and desires us to have.

I'm afraid we are turning out to be a generation of weak and destructive people. Weak because we have allowed the distractions of this work to keep us from enjoying the full and abundant life God the Creator has for us. Destructive because we are allowing things like the world system to destroy a generation of our people who have forgotten what it means to be a family and a tribe. They look at the things that lure us away from the things of God and His desire for us. Whatever happened to family? Whatever happened to friends? Whatever happened to community? Maybe this is why John wrote, "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world--the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does--comes not from the Father but from the world." It is the world system that destroys - the desire to follow everything that our ancestors despised and tried to destroy. But we have nothing to worry about; for one day the road will run out and what will be left? John said, "The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever."

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church