Monday, November 9, 2009

Interpreting Dreams and Reaching the "New Age" Enlightenment Followers By Joel News (Posted by Jaci Patellis To Members of MyPurpose Ministries Group)

Interpreting Dreams and Reaching the "New Age" Enlightenment Followers
By Joel News
Posted by Jaci Patellis To Members of MyPurpose Ministries Group on Facebook

September 22

Below is a compelling article on how one woman is using her spiritual gifts to help others interpret their dreams and receive Christ into their lives using her knowledge of both the dark side of Christianity (including internal demons) and the unending beauty and love of Jesus Christ, the Ultimate Victor!

Article is quoted and directly from Joel News, an International Newsletter

"USA: Taking Jesus to the New Age community"

"Tucked between a tarot card reader and a Rastafarian artist, Cindy McGill is offering 'Organic Spiritual Alignments' at her table along the circuslike boardwalk of Venice Beach, California. As part of an outreach to new agers, McGill is giving 'Free Spiritual Readings' and dream interpretations in this bohemian community. Using gifts of the Holy Spirit, she and her team of prophetic evangelists attract people who would normally just walk by more traditional evangelists. McGill founded Hope for the Harvest Ministries, an organization that evangelizes at the Burning Man (photo) and other pagan artistic festivals. Draped with its 'Catalyst of Light' sign, her table entices an eclectic mix of people.

"If we use their language and simply show love, people will be more open to an encounter with Jesus."

Venice's head psychic - a woman with wild, blond hair, pink highlights, and long, red fingernails - is the first to approach the table. She tells McGill she has spent 17 years working as a psychic on the boardwalk. "I put a spell on someone," she tells McGill. "I want to make sure everything is going well." McGill reaches out to take her hand, saying she wants to invite her to have a spiritual alignment, a euphemism for asking the Holy Spirit to touch her heart. "I just want to release the Spirit so everything is very, very clear," McGill tells her, "so you can see the Truth, the Light and the Way absolutely illuminated." McGill gets up from her chair, places her hands on the woman's shoulders and speaks in tongues, while asking the Holy Spirit to separate the psychic from any demonic forces that may try to interfere with God's plan for her life. Afterward, the woman graciously thanks McGill and leaves. "What I wanted to do is to create an opportunity to let her feel God's presence," McGill says. "I went as far as I could. The bottom line is just to show them love. It's their language."

McGill (photo) says it's often necessary to change 'our language' to reach New Age believers. In the same way Jesus used parables, McGill says she uses euphemisms, initially, so people will be more open to an encounter with Jesus. Before each outreach, she and her team of volunteers ask God to show them what people's dreams mean and to give them guidance on the best strategies to reach the lost. After a dream interpretation, people are "even hungrier to learn who we are," McGill says. At that point, she often reveals they are followers of Jesus and ask if they would like to have an encounter with their creator.

"Many people receive dreams from God. We help interpret them and point out that God has a purpose for their life."

Around noon, two Iraq War veterans approach the table. Jeff Lovejoy, a 34-year-old Los Angeles resident with black plastic earrings, tells McGill he's been having vividly horrid war dreams, but near the end everything fades to black. "I don't know if I died," he says. McGill tells him that the fact that he didn't die means God has a plan for his life. "You have a destiny, something you have not fulfilled yet. You have divine protection and intervention around to help bring you to your purpose." Lovejoy's friend, Jason Hughes, 31, tells McGill he has been having recurrent chase dreams in which he has to rescue people, but he wakes up before the "bad action" occurs. His is one of the 25 most common dreams. McGill tells him a spiritual stronghold in his past is trying to block his destiny. She prays, asking God to stop the dream and show Hughes his purpose in life. She asks if he'd like to commit his life to Christ. He does and gives her a hug. He tells her he plans to go to church.

After the team finishes for the day, McGill says she plans to continue her outreach to the New Age community as God gives more people dreams, including 'apocalyptic dreams'. She's also working on launching a dream-interpretation reality television show. "People are getting dreams about the end of the world, and these are nonbelievers," McGill says. I taught a dream course for a bunch of 5- to 9-year-olds, and they started telling me dreams that were blowing my mind. These little kids are dreaming dreams about Jesus coming, things blowing up, wars and all kinds of things the Bible talks about in Matthew 24."

Source: Troy Anderson, Charisma"