Monday, April 5, 2010


April 5, 2010


Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"

We had our annual Sunrise Service as a few of us got ready celebrate Easter Sunday and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I got in early in the morning to set up for the service. It was nice and dark as I set up the chairs for those who could bear the early hour for the sunrise service. No sooner had I finished setting up the chairs and all the equipment, our church members started to show up and get ready for the festivities of the day. By this time the sun was trying to peak through the thin layers of early morning clouds. As the people sat down they noticed a nice layer of dew that had already settled on all the chairs. Some tried to wipe it dry and others just sat down and got ready for our time of worship.

I got up to welcome the few that came and the worship leader started leading the song, "Were You There." It was about this time that a beautiful mockingbird landed on the roof line of our church building and started singing up a storm. They are call mockingbirds because they do not have a bird sound of their own but imitate all other birds. So from his beak might come six or seven bird sounds before he rests and starts all over again with another five or six sounds. Then I started hearing some pecking noises as I noticed two woodpeckers pecking on a telephone pole as if to keep rhythm with the mockingbirds. Before we knew it a flock of grackles landed on the mulberry bush behind the chairs and joined in with the singing. Then some sparrows and mourning doves came in the background. Before we knew it and before our song was over, we had a symphony of birds singing along with our church people. It was then that I remembered the words of Jesus when he said, "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" For a brief moment in our eternal history, both humans and birds came together to remember what God the Creator did for us through His Son and to remind us that just like the birds praise God the Creator for His provision, He wants to take care of us also.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

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