Friday, January 29, 2010



January 29, 2010

Matthew 6:8 "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him."

It will happen when it will happen, is a phrase I have heard from time to time. We look at the unknown future and worry about things not yet happened. We look at the things we do not understand and worry that we will miss the boat or maybe be asleep when it happens. I once knew a person who had problems going to sleep because he feared he would stop breathing. I have met many a person who will not fly for fear the plane will crash. There are some who will not travel to another country for fear they will be kidnapped by some terrorist organization and never make it home. Some have never ventured outside their four walls, or the security of their own city for fear they will have an accident and die if they travel. Yet, I can't help but think of that phrase, it will happen when it happens.

One thing we forget is that we have a great God and Creator who already knows the future. He knows your birth and your death. He knows all about you. He knew who your parents would be and what you would become before the foundations of the world. He even knows when you will take that last breath, and how. That is the destiny set before us. We cannot change that destiny. Fear will not make it go away. Not venturing out in faith will not fix it. So it's in times like these that we put our faith and trust in God the Creator and ask Him to give us strength and power when the time comes, regardless of how He chooses to bless us when we take that last breath. God the creator knows everything about you even before it comes to pass or before you ask. Matthew wrote, "Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him." So why fear the unknown when your God and Creator knows and is in total control.

Robert Soto, Lipan Apache and pastor of:

McAllen Grace Brethren Church
The Native American New Life Center
Chief of Chiefs Christian Church

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